Abney Associates

Abney Associates professionals are responsive, understanding and dynamic. Our professionals are committed to provide the highest levels of services with integrity and the utmost ethical behavior.

Nye grønne skatt trussel i strømregninger ‘deal’ ved Abney and Abney Associates Green Solutions

Nye skatter å betale for miljømessige ordninger blir vurdert som del av en avtale å kutte hushold energiregninger, det kan avsløres.


Skattyteren ville betale regningen for to av de "grønne" ordningene, som for tiden betales for gjennom en avgift på gass og elektrisitet regninger.


Den store energileverandører har gjentatte ganger fortalt ministrene avgifter presser opp regninger, for som de og regjeringen har vært sterkt kritisert.


Senior toryene har hatt samtaler med selskaper og tror de har sikret avtale som hvis den største levy, energi selskaper forpliktelse (ECO), er fjernet, umiddelbar kutt i prisene på opptil sju prosent vil bli annonsert.


En avtale kan bli truffet i tide til å bli annonsert så tidlig som neste måned, slik at en gjennomsnittlig besparelse på så mye som £75 en husholdning.


Men Ed Davey, Liberal demokrat Energy sekretær, sa den grønne ordninger måtte bo- og signalisert at de kunne få betalt for gjennom skatt.


Han fortalte The Telegraph at han var glad for å ha en "debatt" om hvordan grønn energi politikk ble finansiert. Han sa: "vi kan kanskje finne andre måter å betale dem. Det kan være måter og midler."


Flyttingen av Lib Dems betyr at George Osborne enten må øke skattene eller finne penger til å betale for ordningen, ventet å koste £1,3 milliarder neste år, fra allerede under press offentlige midler gjennom flere kutt eller låne.


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Abney and Associates Amerikas Intelligence Budget schwarzes Loch – Booklikes

Die Washington Post Headliner "US Spionagenetzwerk Erfolge, Misserfolge und Ziele detailliert ' schwarz ' Budgetübersicht," sagt:


US-Spion Agenturen "einer nachrichtendienstlichen Koloss gebaut. (It) so bleibt bleiben Raum nicht in der Lage, wichtigen Informationen an den Präsidenten zu einer Reihe von nationalen Sicherheitsbedrohungen, nach streng geheimen Staatshaushalt zu bieten."


Seinen Haushalt beläuft sich auf $52,6 Milliarden für FY 2013. WaPo gewonnenen es "Intelligenz Unternehmer Edward Snowden."


Es beschreibt eine "bürokratische und operative Landschaft." Es wurde nie öffentliche Kontrolle unterzogen.


Es zeigt eine dominierende Rolle der CIA. Er zeigt deutliche Cyberoperations. Es gibt erhebliche Wissenslücken über Zielländern.


Es sagt nichts darüber, wie die Mittel verwendet werden. Es nicht offen legen, wie effektiv es Verwaltung oder des Kongresses Ziele erreicht.


WaPo erhielt Haushalts 178-Seite Zusammenfassung. Es ist "sensiblen" und "überall." Sie veröffentlicht einen Teil was drin.


Es detaillierte "Erfolge, Misserfolge und Ziele des" Amerikas 16 Spion Agenturen. Sie haben 107.035 Mitarbeiter.


Zusammenfassende Informationen erläutert, "Spitzentechnologien, Agent, die Rekrutierung und laufenden Betrieb."


Es ist verbergen, welche Geheimdienstvertreter Posen Risiken für ihre Quellen und Daten-Sammlung-Methoden sagen.


Abney Associates Predict Mutual Development From China And ASEAN Countries




Abney Associates believe that by concentrating on the development of industrial cooperation, still in its infancy between China and ASEAN countries is the way for them to achieve mutual growth.


Set up in 1967, ASEAN comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. To consider it as one entity, it covers an area of 4.44 million square kilometers and has a population of approximately 576 million.


"Huge amounts of trading goes on between ASEAN countries and China, and has scope for further growth. This offers huge potential for investment opportunities both long and short term," explained James Carter, Senior Vice President of Mergers and Acquisitions at Abney Associates.


Trade between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) reached a record high of USD $400.9Billion in 2012 and the general consensus is that this has flourished since the launch of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), soon expected to be the biggest free-trade market in the world. Commodities are in huge demand and many different groups of consumers within China have instigated trade amongst ASEAN bloc companies to take full advantage. Trading in chemical, mechanical and transportation equipment products is an area that is especially showing rapid growth and seems to be offering the biggest potential for development.


"This year we have been watching the complimentary growth developing in a hugely encouraging way for industrial cooperation within each ASEAN member's financial market trading platforms. With half of the consumers in the world and one-third of the global GDP value, we are monitoring extremely closely any progress that will inevitably develop once the RCEP reveal their proposed financial strategies. By doing so we can maximize returns on investment for our clients," added James Carter, Senior Vice President of Mergers and Acquisitions at Abney Associates.


Although duty-free policies do not directly transpire into a common path for economic growth, the zero tariff policies are showing signs that they are working as intended. The policies were aimed at developing industry chains and also providing complimentary advantages amongst trading partners. It is evidently working well and is creating opportunity and that seems to be, not just the general opinion but also the reasoning as to why this is drawing the attention and interest from the senior VP atAbney Associates.

Abney Associates are a Hong Kong based company that provides a range of financial services to individual clients, portfolio companies, corporate investors and entrepreneurs who wish to take unbiased financial advice.


Abney Associates are primarily a team of financial specialists who pride themselves on having a high level of expertise and vast experience for diligently monitoring any positive or negative developments to companies currently listed on exchanges globally, especially those that may affect client investment interests. This is done in order to ensure the financial advice given is factually correct and delivered in an effective way.


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